Thursday, August 29, 2002

Stitched With Barbed Wire

Stitched With Barbed Wire

Torn apart...Feeling so cold
Without anything to live for
Nothing holds me close
No one cares...No one at all

In this life of nothingness
I bleed for the chance of life
Ripped open from countless lies
Gone away is what i wish for

Hitting rock bottom
Crashing onto razor sharp shards
Of a twisted life
And a death wish..Never to be real

Never will i be the same
A victim of ruthless abandonment
Needing all i will never have

Someone help me
Take me from this pain
Restore my soul
And devour my heart

Use me....
Need me...
Hurt me....
Forget me.....

I need you to help me
I can,t do this on my own
This sand is making me tired
Please carry me out of this pain

I have heard tales of this
I have believed in this
Please i beg of you..
I am forever forsaken

I look and see my footprints
Look again and see two
I feel honored
And no i am alone again

Look at me!!!!
Why are you angry!?!
Lifted me on high
Pummeled me in a rain of stone

What are you?
The king or a leper
Vigilante.....Turned martyr
Martyr turned TYRANT

I was a wretch
You saved me
Torn apart and bleeding
I was nothing...And you sewn me together

Once again whole
And turned inside out
Stitches and scars
Remnants of who i was

True at one time i was saved
But i am now the lost child seeking solace in the house of the dead
Needing everything and nothing
Nothing like you are...And what i will forever be

Wednesday, August 28, 2002



Alone i travel...To where i don't know
Looking at the stars
Feeling...Changing....Flying so high
The final flight of the phoenix

I can take anything you can give
And kill all you want to be
I am here...Not going away
Nothing without me....Haunting Ravaging

Taking you to places unknown
Places you will never be again
Making you do things
Just for my evil needs

No need to cry...I won't go away
Never will you be happy again
You need the pain
And you need me to hurt you

Like the death of a friend
I make you hate
Alone you feel
And alone you will be

No one can save you
No one cares
This place i take you
Has no one to help you

Sick and tired want to give in
But your loathing keeps you from it
I hate you And will love you forever
Goodbye and farewell....i will be here tomorrow

Why do i do this
I love to smell your pain
To taste your tears
To feel your blood splattered across my face

I take you away
I grant you solace
No one will ever hurt you but me
I think i will take you away to a place of hate

The pictures and memories you cherish
I break and burn them away
By the look on your face i can tell what you think
And know i am THE ONLY ONE!!!!

Molest you and make you feel like nothing
Make you hate
Yourself and me
I grant you the greatest prize.....To know what helpless is

I feel your flesh
Hot and bruised...Like the knots on your body
I think i found my reason
I tear you down and shit on your life

You are nothing
....Less than you even know
I take you away

Compassion has no place here
I make you less than nothing
I degrade you...
Beat and spit on you

You are nothing....
And even less than your parents know
I am the one
And you are nothing

Look at your reflection
See that you are nothing
Beaten and Disgraced
Loathing everything you have become..And all you will never be

Forsaken Son

Forsaken Son

Upon the cross,A twisted fairy tale
Like the death of a son
Love all and keep their respect
He died......What have you done?

No sin in this existence
I will never fear the hand of (god)...Of doom
I won't change for you
Murder in your eyes...So full of gloom

See the world...War and death
Every race sees the chosen one
Its time that i stand on my own
Because i am forsaken...The fallen One

Angel of death....I am
The angel of light....In my shadow
Behold the BASTARD son of man
Are you the ascended one??I don't know

Into the night
Hanging from the holy tree
It looks like a twisted t
Time to wage war....Time to be free

Gates crashing as faith smolders in decay
The heavens fall....
The earth and hell merge
Hear the bell toll...Hear the final call

Feathered warriors descend
Horned legions ascend to kill..Where?
Can you hear this??!?!
Forsaken....I take your kingdom as my own ..i am the heir

Twisting blackness in the heart
Chaos Takes over
Time Falls apart and the gates fall
Yes it is over

No one wins
All has fallen
Some has still stayed behind
Burnt and scattered.....Sifting through the remains

The Bleeding Hollow

The Bleeding Hollow

As you are setting there
Bleeding and dying
Crying,Cold as ice and panicking
Remember you asked for this

I....see your face
Crippled by your ignorance
Idiot i see in you
Fading like a dim candles light

Revolving in your own world
Like Gods of the sun
Taunting...You resist
Its all about you

Aggressive and painfully real
You are going to die
The barrel of the gun in your face
Now you are the bearer of the bleeding hollow

Burn and rot
Die a million times
Start again....And again
Eternal and feeling yourself rot
You are the pawn....The fallen

Some things get better...
But not for long
Things get worse
And always will

Day by day you change to and fro
Like the tides rise and fall
You the bleeding hollow
Have a flow of your own

Like a crimson flood
The blood is warm
Red pools seep into the ground
Turning white as you begin to lose life blood

Tossed into the ditch
You crumple under your own weight
Fodder for the flies
The rats feast

Burn and rot
Die a million times
Start again....And again
Eternal and feeling yourself rot
You are the pawn....The fallen

Bloated and festering
Rancid and raw
Skin wriggling with insects
You turn into nothing

Bleeding black slime
Putrid skin blackens and falls away
Descending into the dirt
The maggots feast

Slowly they start to leave you
leaving only Leather flesh
Clinging to bleached bones
The shattered skull of the bleeding hollow